Alphabetical Contact Listing

Altoona Area Chamber of Commerce

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 Contact Alphabetical Listing:  

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R, Katie Bob's Septic & Premium Privies (515)262-9174 
Raes, Jim HyVee Food Store (515)967-7676(515)967-3855 
Rainey, Loral Swain Chiropractic (515)967-9300(515)967-9042 
Rasmussen, John Rasmussen Bike Shop of Altoona (515)967-4414(515)957-3190 
Rees, Janelle Copper Creek Financial Group - Layne Brown/Advisor (515)262-0858(515)262-3944 
Reil, Christopher Elite Health + Performance (641)757-7824(515)337-2216 
Reiland, Abi JLL (515)556-4727 
Reinhardt, Alison Communication Innovators (515)262-7686(515)262-7896 
Reyerson, Brant Select Physical Therapy (515)967-5025(515)967-2360 
Reynolds, Monica Central Iowa Vapors (515)967-4581 
Riding, Joe Joe Riding (515)205-0054 
Roberts, Ken Central Iowa Vapors (515)967-0001 
Rodriguez, Giovanna Sinsajo Creators (609)288-5466 
Rolfes, Rachel Goodwill of Central Iowa (515)265-5323(515)265-0645 
Ross, Renee Vintage Cooperatives (515)556-3753 
Rotert, Jeff Jeff E Pop  
Rudawski, Shari Lamar Advertising (515)282-9661 
Runyon, Suzanne Edward Jones (515)967-4515(855)213-8812 

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